My Mini Cancun is my new method of waking in the a.m. Instead of hitting the snooze 5 times I now get up and lay on the loveseat infront of the tank w/ Monique snuggled next to me and Paparazzi bouncing between going outside(doggy door)and up on the couch w/ Monique and I. Very pleasant way to wake up(I set the timer on the microwave so I don't over relax :))
My Mini Cancun is my new method of waking in the a.m. Instead of hitting the snooze 5 times I now get up and lay on the loveseat infront of the tank w/ Monique snuggled next to me and Paparazzi bouncing between going outside(doggy door)and up on the couch w/ Monique and I. Very pleasant way to wake up(I set the timer on the microwave so I don't over relax :))